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Beyond the dark side of executive psychology: Current research and new directions. (Oct 2010)

“The authors analyze existing research and identify issues in definitions and measurement and describe how researchers have fallen prey to hubris fascination. This leads them to put forward two options for future research


Helen Bollaert, IESEG School of Management, Univ. Lille Nord de France
Valérie Petit, EDHEC Leadership and Corporate Governance Research Centre, EDHEC Business School.

European Management Journal Volume 28, Issue 5, October 2010, Pages 362–376

In corporate finance and strategic management, the idea of executive hubris has come to dominate perceptions of the psychology of top managers. Bollaert and Petit analyze existing research and identify issues in definitions and measurement and describe how researchers have fallen prey to hubris fascination.

This leads them to put forward two options for future research: within the hubris tradition (improving measures and examining positive aspects and antecedents) and outside it (basing analyses on the self rather than the ego and using a more dynamic and holistic approach).

For more information visit Beyond the dark side of executive psychology


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