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Boasting vs. humility: which one wins? (2016)

“…even the toxic part of a narcissist’s personality can be judged positively if it’s interspersed with a dash of humility.”

James Adonis, The Sydney Morning Herald>My Business
19March 2016

“…we live in a world bombarded by advice that suggests leaders must be heroic, visionary, charismatic, energetic, and that to get ahead you must grab your trumpet and blow it lest someone else blows their’s harder in a battle of the blowhards.

“And so the humble miss out. Not because they’re incapable but because they can’t be bothered playing a role in the cacophonous pantomime.

“Which is a shame when you consider the increasing rate of empirical research that demonstrates the value of being a humble boss.

“….scholars ran a study to see whether narcissistic leaders could be effective if they were occasionally humble. The finding, of course, was an emphatic yes. By also being humble, they were perceived as better leaders, their employees’ performance improved, and so did their team’s level of engagement.

“It seems somewhat of a contradiction but it’s true: even the toxic part of a narcissist’s personality can be judged positively if it’s interspersed with a dash of humility.

Read the full article here: Boasting vs. humility

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