Describing the brain in autism in five dimensions – magnetic resonance imaging-assisted diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder using a multiparameter classification approach. (2010)
"The neuroanatomy of autism is truly multidimensional, and affects multiple and most likely independent cortical features. The spatial patterns detected using SVM may help further exploration of the specific genetic...
Written by: Ecker, Marquand, Mourao-Miranda et al.
Read moreSocial conflict: the emergence and consequences of struggle and negotiation. (2010)
"This essay considers how social conflict emerges, the ways in which it can be managed and the functions it performs. .. Conflict can have both negative and positive influences for teams...
Written by: De Dreu, Carsten K. W.
Read moreThe neuropeptide oxytocin regulates parochial altruism in intergroup conflict among humans. (2010)
"Oxytocin drives a “tend and defend” response in that it promoted in-group trust and cooperation, and defensive, but not offensive, aggression toward competing out-groups. Carsten K.W. De Dreu, Lindred...
Written by: De Dreu, Greer and Handgraaf.
Read morePrejudice and truth about the effect of testosterone on human bargaining behaviour. (2010)
"...testosterone in women increased fair bargaining behaviour, reducing conflicts and increasing social efficiency. However, subjects who believed they'd received testosterone - regardless of whether they actually did - behaved much more unfairly than...
Written by: Eisenegger, C., Naef, M., Snozzi, R., Heinrichs, M., & Fehr, E.
Read moreFrom molecule to market: steroid hormones and financial risk-taking. (2010)
"We survey research on steroid hormones and their cognitive effects, and examine potential links to trader performance in financial markets. Preliminary findings suggest that cortisol codes for risk and testosterone...
Written by: Coates, Gurnell and Sarnyai.
Read moreSplendors and miseries of the brain. (2009)
"People in powerful positions who reject the idea that exercising their power changes their brain’s neurobiology would do well to reflect on Zeki’s work illustrating the vulnerability of brain chemistry to...
Written by: Zeki, Semir.
Read moreCognitive archaeology: uses, methods and results. (2009)
".. authors have used retrospective analysis to describe preclinical linguistic decline in written texts and spoken language samples. This paper reviews the methods available for classifying and comparing such samples, and presents...
Written by: Garrard, Peter.
Read moreHubris syndrome: an acquired personality disorder? A study of US Presidents and UK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years. (May 2009)
"Qualities often associated with successful leadership can also be marked by impetuosity, a refusal to listen to or take advice and a particular form of incompetence when impulsivity, recklessness and frequent...
Written by: Owen and Davidson.
Read moreEndogenous steroids and financial risk taking on a London trading floor. (2008)
"..a trader’s morning testosterone level predicts his day’s profitability. We also found that a trader’s cortisol rises with both the variance of his trading results and the volatility of the...
Written by: Coates and Herbert.
Read moreEmerging insights into the nature and function of pride. (2007)
"People feeling authentic pride are more likely to score high on extraversion, agreeableness, genuine self-esteem and conscientiousness. However, those feeling hubristic pride are more narcissistic and prone to shame. ...
Written by: Tracy and Robins.
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