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Hubris kills businesses. Humility saves them. (2015)

It’s human nature to take something that works and scale it. People who push the envelope will do that … until it stops working, they hit a wall. If they lack the humility to take a step back,…they will never break through that wall.

Steve Tobak 20 October 2015.

“There are loads of failure modes for companies big and small, but they usually come down to one thing: hubris. Their leaders lack humility. And it’s ironically that same lack of humility that keeps them from realizing just what an enormous problem that is. It keeps them in denial of their own limitations.….

“The common wisdom of the day is to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. Wrong. That only works if you have the talent or experience to succeed in your career or business and don’t have critical limitations that will hold you back. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who fits that description, and that includes hundreds of executives and business leaders

“It’s human nature to take something that works and attempt to scale and extend its use. And those who push the envelope will do that … until it stops working. In other words, they hit a wall. And if they lack the humility to take a step back, objectively assess the situation, and do something differently, they will never break through that wall.

Access the full article here: Hubris kills businesses.

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