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Power and the glory seekers. (2013)

“Some of the world’s worst cock-ups could be said to be caused by individuals who allow power to inflate their egos to Hindenburg proportions. Consider the Iraq war, the banking fiasco, Miley Cyrus’s VMA performance.


Rachel Salvidge,
Feminist, 2 October 2013

Some of the world’s worst cock-ups could be said to be caused by individuals who allow power to inflate their egos to Hindenburg proportions. Consider the Iraq war, the banking fiasco, Miley Cyrus’s VMA performance. Somewhere in the debris stands at least one swivel-eyed loon whose rampant self belief has caused misery to rain down on countless millions.

(Yap) has scientific proof that power can distort the way a person views the world. In one of his experiments Yap found that people who were manipulated to feel powerful underestimated the size of those they had met that day, “When someone feels powerful, they tend to perceive others are less powerful than themselves and their expectations of what a powerless person would look like influences how they view others”.

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