Research Café 2014: Lord David Owen – ‘binding’ leaders
“… I will deal with, ‘Structures and processes that might bind, shackle and brake democratic leaders without inhibiting their ability to give of their best’. ‘Binding’ is very important …
One of several videos from our highly successful ‘Leadership, democracy and hubris’, Research Café. This well-attended event, the fourth cafe so far, was organised jointly by the Daedalus Trust and the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster and was held Tuesday, 4 March 2014.
“I thought I would deal with point four, ‘Structures and processes that might bind, shackle and brake democratic leaders without inhibiting their ability to give of their best’.
‘Binding’ is very important …. Public companies operating under rules, some informal and some statutory, are important for corporate life. We need to rediscover the virtues of the corporation and the accountability that comes with it, and the answerability to shareholders, and the responsibility to those who work within the organisation. But I will look mainly at shackling and braking….”
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