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Special Issue: Beyond the bright side: dark personality in the workplace. (2015)

“..dedicated to closing gaps in our knowledge about negative aspects of organisational behaviour, particularly the role that dark personality plays in the workplace and in predicting negative organisational behaviour.”

Various authors
Applied Psychology,
January 2015, Volume 64, Issue 1

“While a recent movement towards positive psychology calls for a stronger focus on the positive aspects of life and psychology, in organisational behaviour we often focus on the positive side already. Examples are research areas such as leadership focusing on what makes leaders effective (e.g. transformational leadership) or what makes followers work with more engagement and commitment.

“Indeed, in the field of organisational behaviour, an argument can be made that researchers have focused too much on positive aspects, overlooking the disastrous effects of negative behaviour in the workplace. …. there is still very little knowledge about the antecedents of negative organisational behaviour.

“This Special Issue is dedicated to closing some of the gaps in our knowledge about these negative aspects of organisational behaviour, particularly the role that dark personality plays in the workplace and in predicting negative organisational behaviour.” (From Birgit Schyns’ Introduction.)

Topics and authors included in the Special issue are:

  • Dark personality in the workplace: introduction to the special issue. Birgit Schyns
  • Beyond the bright side: dark personality at work. D. Harms & Seth M. Spain
  • Meta-analysis of dark side personality characteristics and critical work behaviors among leaders across the globe: findings and implications for leadership development and executive coaching. Blaine H. Gaddis & Jeff L. Foster
  • The dark side of personality and extreme leader behavior. Robert B. Kaiser, James M. LeBreton & Joyce Hogan
  • Narcissism and counterproductive work behavior (cwb): meta-analysis and consideration of collectivist culture, big five personality, and narcissism’s facet structure. Emily Grijalva & Daniel A. Newman
  • Obligation and entitlement in society and the workplace. Bradley J. Brummel & Kelsey N. Parker
  • Biased self-perception tendencies: self-enhancement/self-diminishment and leader derailment in individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Kristin L. Cullen, William A. Gentry & Francis J. Yammarino
  • I’m too good for this job: narcissism’s role in the experience of overqualification. Douglas C. Maynard, Elena M. Brondolo, Catherine E. Connelly & Carrie E. Sauer
  • The effects of other-oriented perfectionism and conscientiousness on helping at work. Mindy K. Shoss, Kori Callison & L.A. Witt
  • Perfectionism at work: an investigation of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism in the workplace among Canadian and Turkish employees. Timur Ozbilir, Arla Day & Victor M. Catano.

Access is free, here: Special Issue

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