Posts tagged with: Coates
Winner and loser effects in human competitions. Evidence from equally matched tennis players. (2017)
"...among men, the winner of a closely fought tie-break had an approximate 60% chance of winning the second set, the loser a 40% chance." Lionel Page, Queensland University of Technology...
Self-confidence school: Can you really fake it to make it? (2015)
How vulnerable are we to our hormones – and are there physical tricks to producing more of the confidence-enhancing hormone that boosts motivation and risk-taking - or less of the...
Conference 2014 “Leadership: stress and hubris” – Monday 17 November
A fascinating lineup of speakers is programmed for our next conference. Andy Haldane, Chief Economist of the Bank of England has now been confirmed to open the day with a keynote address....
The biology of risk. (2014). By eliminating uncertainty has the Federal Reserve actually helped inflate market bubbles?
"By eliminating uncertainty in policy, has the Federal Reserve spread complacency among the financial community and actually helped inflate market bubbles? The author argues that greater transparency at the Fed ...
Cortisol shifts financial risk preferences. (2014).
"High levels of the stress hormone cortisol may contribute to the risk aversion and 'irrational pessimism' found among bankers and fund managers during financial crises Narayanan Kandasamy, Andrew S....
The truth behind testosterone: why men risk it all. (2013)
On days when London City traders made above-average profits, their testosterone levels went up. At the same time, cortisol levels were sensitive to the volatility in the market, which is...
Conference 2012: programme, abstracts and bios
Materials from our conference 'The intoxication of power: From neurosciences to hubris in healthcare and public life' are now available. The event, held on 9 October 2012, was organised by the Daedalus Trust in...
Conference 2012 notes: Session 2
This set features notes from the following presentations to session 2 (Hubris and neuroscience) of our conference 'The Intoxication of power: From Neurosciences to hubris in healthcare and public life'....
The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk-taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust. (2012)
"Coates identifies a feedback loop between testosterone and success that dramatically lowers the fear of risk in men. Similarly, intense failure leads to a rise in levels of cortisol that lowers...
Emotional finance theory goes beyond greed, fear, and hope. (2012)
"Emotions triggered by decision making with unpredictable outcomes have a dynamic impact on thought processes." Philip Lawton, author of “Middle office: managing financial institutions in turbulent times.” Published on...