Posts tagged with: Effects of power
Divide and conquer: When and why leaders undermine the cohesive fabric of their group. (2014)
"..leaders sometimes sabotage their own teams to protect their own power. Charleen R Case, Northwestern University. Evanston, Ill, Jon K. Maner, Kellogg Schoool of Management, Northwestern University. Evanston Ill, Journal...
The sound of power: Conveying and detecting hierarchical rank through voice. (2014)
“Holding power can fundamentally change the way you speak, altering basic acoustic properties of the voice. Listeners can pick up on these vocal cues to know who is really in...
Power and the glory seekers. (2013)
"Some of the world’s worst cock-ups could be said to be caused by individuals who allow power to inflate their egos to Hindenburg proportions. Consider the Iraq war, the banking fiasco, Miley...
The dark side of transformational leadership: A critical perspective. (2013)
“..confronts the orthodoxy that transformational leadership is a ‘good thing’ by illustrating how it can encourage narcissism, megalomania and poor decision-making at great expense to organizations Dennis Tourish, Professor...
Power changes how the brain responds to others. (2013)
"By tracking participants' brains, the authors found that empathy for a colleague performing an action was high amongst ‘powerless’ people, but much lower amongst people who were ‘powerful’. Jeremy...
Military operations: The harmful effects of Hubris influenced leaders. (2013)
"Alcibiades' Sicilian expedition, Bonaparte's Russian invasion and L. Paul Bremer's Iraqi government transitional leadership (all demonstrate) that hubris is an inherent character flaw and… an individual's access to power sets...
The path to power and how to use it. (2013)
"Broughton reviews the different approaches to power taken by some of today’s leading CEOs. Call it what you like, raw power, its acquisition and use, still count in business. Philip...
Could the 10 year illness be afflicting Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan? (2013)
"Power and success are two of the biggest brain-changing drugs known to mankind and no human being’s brain can survive unchanged such large infusions of these two drugs. Erdoğan’s response...
Seizing opportunity always involves risk: Lessons from corporate America. (2012)
Rappeport, Alan. "Kevin Sharer, recently retired CEO of Amgen, provides a perspective on risk taking from someone who has been at the front line. "Seizing opportunity always involves risk. You've got to...
Does power corrupt or enable? When and why power facilitates self-interested behaviour. (2012)
"..the psychological experience of power is associated with greater self-interest only in the presence of a weak moral identity... the psychological experience of power is associated with less self-interest in...