Posts tagged with: Leadership
Bad leaders: How they get that way and what to do about them. (2007)
“The primary culprits are those who appoint leaders exhibiting personality disorders… then tolerate bad leadership when it manifests. But followers cannot evade responsibility. J. Allio, Principal of Allio Associates, Rhode...
Assessing leadership style: Trait analysis. (2005)
"Seven traits have been found to be particularly useful in assessing leadership style: 1 - the belief that one can influence or control what happens. 2 - the need for...
Leaders, fools and impostors: Essays on the psychology of leadership. (2003)
"The author identifies distinct leader types including the narcissist whose drive for power and prestige can bring much-needed vitality to an organisation, but whose inability to accept criticism ultimately creates a climate...
A cross cultural exploratory study of the linkage between emotional intelligence and managerial effectiveness. (2003)
" low power distance cultures like as the United States and United Kingdom, self‐awareness of interactive skills may be crucial relative to effectiveness whereas in high PD cultures, such as...
Personality and leadership: a qualitative and quantitative review. (2002)
“After 'extraversion', 'conscientiousness' and 'openness to experience' were the strongest and most consistent correlates of leadership.” Timothy A. Judge, University of Florida; Joyce E. Bono, University of Minnesota; Remus Ilies...
A motivational model of leadership: predicting long-term management success from TAT measures of power motivation and responsibility. (1999)
"In an AT&T longitudinal study of managers, managerial success after sixteen years is predicted by “responsible power,” which is a combination of TAT-based (Thematic Apperception Test) measures of power motivation...
The organizational fool: Balancing a leader’s hubris. (1990)
".. explores the role of the sage-fool as means of creating a counter-vailing power against the regressive forces inherent in leadership, in other words, to reinforce the leader's capacity for reality...