Posts tagged with: Leadership
How does leader humility influence team performance? Exploring the mechanisms of contagion and collective promotion focus. (2016)
"Leader behavior can spread via social contagion to followers... leaders need to lead by example." Bradley P Owens, Brigham Young University; & David R. Hekman, University of Colorado Academy of...
Responsible leadership: Realism and romanticism. (2016)
Editors; Steve Kempster (Professor, Leadership Learning & Development, Lancaster University Management School, UK) Brigid Carroll (Associate Professor, Department of Management & International Business, University of Auckland, New Zealand.) Pub: Routledge...
Networking for team and/or self. (2016)
"Teams and their leaders may have conflicting networking goals. That needn’t be a problem, but often is." Frédéric C. Godart, Insead Knowledge, 6 March 2017 Based on a paper prepared...
Riding the leadership rollercoaster: An observer’s guide. (2016)
"(tools to) prevent leaders becoming prisoners of their own past, making the same mistakes over and over again." Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, INSEAD Springer NB - includes the chapter ‘Riding...
Crazy. Stupid. Mean: The reason leaders behave badly matters. (2016)
“..we’ve found that ‘dark side’ of personality assessments can matter more than twice as much as the positive characteristics most commonly used in selection instruments. Peter Harms, assistant professor of...
Reflections on the dark side. (2016)
“Dark side behaviors help managers emerge… (but) erode and/or destroy subordinates' trust. Robert Hogan; president, Hogan Assessment Systems Part of Talent Quarterly’s ‘The Dark Side Issue’, Issue 8 2016 Robert...
Interview – Charles O’Reilly, Stanford. (2016)
“…people who are grandiose, self-confident, charming, (and) believe they can change the world… are the people you want to invest in." Charles O'Reilly, professor of management, Stanford University Part of...
The bright side of the dark; the dark side of the bright. (2016)
“The depressed person sees the present clearly, isn't fooled by over-reliance on the past, and thus predicts a new future.” Nassir Ghaemi, Tuft University Mood Disorders Programme Part of Talent...
Leadership and hubris. (2016)
"Zaleznik’s warning (about hubris) resonated in my mind as I learned about James Comey, the head of the FBI, and his October 28 letter to Congress…" Bert A. Spector, Associate...
Why we select toxic leaders. (2016)
Toxic individuals take advantage of the cues we use to identify high potential. David Rock, NeuroLeadership Institute executive director, NeuroLeadership Group CEO Psychology Today, 7 Nov 2016. Extracts: Humans… have...