Posts tagged with: Linguistic analysis
The sound of power: Conveying and detecting hierarchical rank through voice. (2014)
“Holding power can fundamentally change the way you speak, altering basic acoustic properties of the voice. Listeners can pick up on these vocal cues to know who is really in...
CEO hubris as a ‘sell’ signal for investors. (2013)
"We could analyze the speech patterns of corporate and government leaders and measure whether they have stepped over the edge of narcissism and lost touch with the realities of their...
Linguistic biomarkers of Hubris syndrome. (2013)
"The researchers ..examined.. the speeches of two UK Prime Ministers said to meet criteria for hubris syndrome (Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair) and one (John Major) who did not. ...
Science can help to spot symptoms of executive hubris. (Financial Times, 2013)
Tett, Gillian. "How can an investor tell if a bank is heading for danger? Analysts have proposed all manner of financial measures. But why not analyse the words of the...
Narcissistic CEOs and executive compensation. (2013)
"..more narcissistic CEOs who've been with their firm longer receive more compensation ... although their firms do not necessarily perform better." Charles A. O'Reilly III, Professor of Management, Stanford University Bernadette...
Leadership discourse, culture, and corporate ethics: CEO-speak at News Corporation. (2013)
"The authors explore the language of leadership of global media mogul Rupert Murdoch in 2010, the year before the phone-hacking scandal in the UK came to public attention. Amernic,...
Executive hubris: the case of a bank CEO. (2013)
"Following speculation that the banking crisis of 2008 was partly caused by CEO hubris, the researchers analysed the letters to shareholders of a single bank’s CEO over ten years. ...
The H Factor: A behavioral explanation of leadership failures in the 2007-2009 financial system meltdown. (2012)
"the current problems with the financial system and our economy have many of their roots in ... words that begin with the letter H - hubris, hypocrisy, hostility, honour, humility, and...
CEO narcissism and the takeover process: from private initiation to deal completion. (May 2012)
"Narcissistic CEOs at target companies get higher bid premiums, while narcissistic CEOs of acquiring companies negotiate takeover attempts quicker. For both targets and acquirers, a narcissist at the helm lowers...
Detecting linguistic traces of destructive narcissism at-a-distance in a CEO’s letter to shareholders. (2011)
"Through selective analyses of letters to shareholders the authors explore the potential of this important form of corporate communications to provide linguistic traces of destructive narcissism. Amernic, J: Joseph...