Posts tagged with: News media articles
Is political hubris an illness? (2017)
"... I asked Lord Owen if Trump meets the threshold of hubris syndrome, he replied it was a hard case, ... “He obviously has hubris, but did he acquire it ...? What was...
In praise of narcissism. (2017)
“Narcissism is ... a duty to watch ourselves, vigilantly self-regulating our appearance in the world … And these kinds of self-reflections are not always wasteful." Shahidha Bari Times Literary Supplement,...
Barclays should be praised, not punished, for its whistleblowing system. (2017)
"The narcissistic, megalomaniacal senior executive remains an enduring stereotype for a reason. (But) in Barclays case, the whistleblowing system worked." Dino Bossi, founding partner of whistleblowing firm Addveritas City A.M....
Hubris and the danger of leaders with extreme self-regard. (2017)
“…it is easy to see how the potential hazards of extreme self-regard could be playing out in the US..” Eugene Sadler-Smith, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of Surrey The Conversation,...
Hubris syndrome. (2017) “…an urgent problem for business leaders, which they show few signs of recognising.”
"Growing evidence shows that positions of power in politics and business may corrupt the ability of those in them to behave rationally. It’s time for risk managers to take heed."...
Can James Mattis protect Trump from hubris? (2017)
“Americans need someone who will educate, encourage, and if necessary, restrain, an inexperienced president." Dominic Tierney, contributing editor, associate professor at Swarthmore College. The Atlantic, 14 January 2017. Image: Mike Segar...
Companies headed by introverts performed better in a study of thousands of CEOs. (2016)
"...if we knew how the personality traits of CEOs produced different business results, could boards hire accordingly?" Oliver Staley Quartz 5 Aug 2016 Image: Reuters Article based on a working paper by...
Embrace the bold, temper the hubris. (2016)
"...ways to keep your bold attitude at the forefront and keep the hubris at bay. Maynard Webb, various roles including Yahoo! Board chairman, 31 Oct 2016 "If you’re leading...
Trump win is lesson for media and academia. (2016)
"The election exposed how isolated and insulated journalists and professors are from the typical Trump voter Prof Mark Grabowski, Adelphi University, New York The Washington Examiner, 28 November 2016 AP...
The hubris of the 2016 candidates. (2016)
"The rivals are like Shakespearean protagonists falling prey to hubris, the excessive pride that can make politicians believe the rules that govern normal mortals do not apply to them." Stephen...