Posts tagged with: Psychopathy
Successful psychopaths: Are they unethical decision-makers and why? (2012)
"This study investigated ... the positive relationship between psychopathy and unethical decision-making explaining it through the process of moral disengagement." Gregory W. Stevens, Auburn University, Alabama: Jacqueline K. Deuling, Roosevelt University, Illinois: Achilles A. Armenakis, Auburn University, Alabama Journal of...
The psychopath in the C suite: redefining the SOB. (2012)
Ring a bell? "His career was a moving disaster but through seductiveness, charm, and manipulativeness he'd got away with it. Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries INSEAD Working Paper No. 2012/119/EFE, November...
Corporate psychopaths: Organisational destroyers. (2011)
“ the recent global financial crisis has highlighted…the conscience-free behaviour of a small group of corporate (psychopaths) can potentially bring down the entire western system of business. Clive Boddy, Visiting...
Corporate psychopaths, bullying and unfair supervision in the workplace. (2011)
“26% of bullying is accounted for by 1% of employees - those who are Corporate Psychopaths. Clive R Boddy Professor of Leadership and Organisation Behaviour, Middlesex University. Journal of Business...
Share traders more reckless than psychopaths, study shows. (2011)
"What makes individual stockbrokers blow billions in financial markets with criminal trading schemes? It may be because share traders behave more recklessly and are more manipulative than psychopaths. Spiegel...
Corporate psychopathy: talking the walk. (2010)
"Better vetting procedures to assess psychopathic traits may help prevent those who excel at ‘‘talking the walk’’ from sliding into the pre-management ranks. Even so, it is likely that sour...
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. (2007)
"Egocentricity, callousness [have] suddenly [become] acceptable trade-offs in order to get the talents and skills needed to survive in an accelerated dispassionate world Robert Hare, researcher in the field of...