Posts tagged with: Robertson
Inside the mind of Vladimir Putin. (2015)
“Too much power, for too long, has changed his brain to a point where his ego and country are one. Ian H. Robertson, Professor of Psychology at Trinity College...
Conference 2014 “Leadership: stress and hubris” – Monday 17 November
A fascinating lineup of speakers is programmed for our next conference. Andy Haldane, Chief Economist of the Bank of England has now been confirmed to open the day with a keynote address....
In praise of leaders. (2014) We badly need leaders, but human beings have come to realise power is a two-edged sword.
"We need leaders, and we need leaders with the appetite for it. Leaders need to get satisfaction from wielding power because if they don’t, they will not experience the pharmacological benefits ...
Conference 2014 video. Prof Ian Robertson: The winner effect – the neuropsychology of power
“Approach and avoidance are fundamental human urges – approaching things we need, like food or sex, and avoiding things that will destroy us. ….The ‘approach’ system of the brain is...
Ukraine crisis: How do you deal with a power-hungry bully like Vladimir Putin? (2014)
Telegraph. "Power corrupts and it has corrupted Vladimir Putin absolutely. As the drama in Ukraine continues, experts examine the mind and motivations of the man responsible. The Telegraph's 'Telegram' Podcast, 9...
Too much power can do very odd things to a leader’s head. (2014)
Robertson, Ian. "Putin has held power in Russia for approaching 15 years – too long for any man or woman’s brain to endure without dangerous changes which foster recklessness and...
Hubris drove foreign policy mistake “far worse than Suez”. (2014) Lord David Owen interview
"If the Iraq war is the nexus for a Sunni-Shiite war - which might be the history of the next 100 years - it’s far worse than Suez as a foreign policy...
Could the 10 year illness be afflicting Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan? (2013)
"Power and success are two of the biggest brain-changing drugs known to mankind and no human being’s brain can survive unchanged such large infusions of these two drugs. Erdoğan’s response...
Alex Ferguson is an alpha-male primate and this is why he was a great manager. (2013)
"The more successful he became, the bigger the egos he had to deal with among his millionaire players. Success, like power, is a strong drug which inflates egos and can...
Women, Power and Margaret Thatcher. (April 2013)
"Margaret Thatcher showed that biology had not handicapped women from achieving dominance in the human tribe," writes Professor Ian Robertson, holder of the Chair in Psyhcology at Trinity College Dublin....