Posts tagged with: Toxic power
Why it’s so hard to speak up against a toxic culture (2018)
"...Silence is pervasive in organizations due to the widely shared belief that speaking up about sensitive issues is futile or even dangerous." Francesca Gino, Harvard Business Review, 21 May 2018...
Why toxic people get ahead (2018)
Templer, K. J. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 124, 1 April 2018 New research indicates that some character traits found in some leaders can be 'dark', yet rewarded. The paper,...
What makes some men sexual harassers? Science tries to explain the creeps of the world (2017)
"...For many men who score high on the harassment scale," the ideas of power and sex "...are often intertwined." Wan, W. National Correspondent, US. The Washington Post, 22 December 2017...
Are you a toxic boss? If your team won’t tell you, neuroscience will (2017)
"Absolute power does, in fact, corrupt absolutely." Hogshead, S. Founder & CEO 'How to Fascinate' Inc., November 17, 2017 Image: Pexels "Confidence can be perceived as aggression by employees. Confident...