Posts tagged with: Videos
Kozlowski: the CEO who went to jail. (2016)
“Good times... had me believe my own success… I had the feeling I had done nothing wrong.” Financial Times, Companies & management, 24 October 2016 Andrew Hill, FT management...
Horrible bosses: Why smart leaders make ‘stupid’ decisions. (2015)
"We make hundreds of decisions every single day. But … about 50% of them are wrong". Chamorro-Premuzic explains why smart leaders make ‘stupid’ decisions. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic ,CEO at Hogan Assessments,...
From the power of language to the language of power. (2015)
"...simple transformations of texts ... can expose unseen information reflecting a writer’s cognitive status, mental life, and even personality... Peter Garrard, neurologist and neuroscientist at St George's Hospital Medical School, London....
Research Café 2014: Sir Bob Reid – positive lessons from recent history
"I want to be sure that we examine what has gone right, and why, as well as examine what has gone wrong.... I had the extraordinary experience in the 1960s to...
Research Café 2014: Lord Bikhu Parekh – cultural perspectives on power
"When we talk about what power does to people we need to be careful, because it all depends on how power is culturally conceived. How do people relate to power......
Research Café 2014: Lord David Owen – ‘binding’ leaders
"... I will deal with, ‘Structures and processes that might bind, shackle and brake democratic leaders without inhibiting their ability to give of their best’. ‘Binding’ is very important … One...
Research Café 2014: Ricardo Blaug introduction – Leadership, democracy and hubris
"The theme today is the nature of leadership….Lord Owen has made a very interesting remark in his book The Hubris Syndrome that one possible ‘treatment’ for hubris may in fact be...
Conference 2014 video. Jon Snow: Charismatic leadership & the media
"Richard Branson is a handy starting point from which to try to explore the media’s involvement in this game because it is substantial. There’s no question that a lot of...
Hubris syndrome in 2 minutes: video
Lord Owen provides a succinct summary of the concept of Hubris Syndrome, its manifestations and impacts on leadership, businesses and society.
Exposing the hubris in knowing. (2014)
“…the most significant progress (comes from) intellectual humility that lets us accept that most of what we know will ... before long, become wrong.” Elizabeth Nable, President of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, professor...