Posts tagged with: Videos
Conference 2013 Martin Taylor: pressures on senior businessmen
Taylor, Martin, “The love of power does more damage than the love of money ... of all the avenues .. a teenage daughter is the most successful puncturer of a CEO’s...
Conference 2013 promo: Lord David Owen
“We have to look at this in the round, on a multidisciplinary basis.” Trustee Lord David Owen discusses the significance of our September 2013 conference, ‘Intoxication of power: leadership and...
Conference 2013 promo: Geoff Marlow
“It’s our first opportunity to explore the issues of hubris purely focused on the needs of business. Trustee Geoff Marlow discusses the significance of our September 2013 conference, ‘Intoxication of...
Conference 2013 promo: Dan Marks
“(..we’ve seen many) cautionary tales lately about the destruction in value and the havoc that hubris can wreak inside a company." Trustee Dan Marks discusses the significance of our September...
Conference 2013 promo: Prof Nick Bouras
“Hubris and leadership is a very important topic, particularly in these current times." Professor Nick Bouras discusses the significance of our September 2013 conference, ‘Intoxication of power: leadership and hubris’....
Conference 2012: Dr Ricardo Blaug video clip – How power corrupts
Blaug, Ricardo. "Hubris is a serious and recurrent problem associated with the processes by which individual, group and organisations simultaneously create meaning. Dr Ricardo Blaug, Reader in Democracy and Political Theory,...
Lord Owen: Hubris Syndrome and the need for research. (2012)
Further background to Hubris Syndrome and the Daedalus Trust, and the need for more research in the area. "We’ve now got acquired personality disorders. The question is can it affect...
Conference 2012: Prof Nassir Ghaemi video clip – Political power and psychopathology
"Rather than stigmatise those with mental health problems, we need to challenge discrimination and explore the positive aspects of mental illness....those with depression tend to be more realistic and more...
Your body language shapes who you are. (2012)
“Power posing”, standing in a posture of confidence, can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain Amy Cuddy, social psychologist TED Talk June 2012. “We know that our minds...
Research Cafe 1 (2011) – preview
Geoff Marlow, a member of the Deadalus Trust Steering Committee introduces the upcoming Research Cafe and the hopes for what it will achieve. The Cafe was held in conjunction with...