Talent Quarterly: The Dark Side Issue. (2016)

Reviews the role that leaders’ “dark sides” play in their careers with input from leading researchers on the topic including those who created the concept and have shaped it over the years.
Various authors, Issue 8 2016
Articles in the Issue:
The bright side of the dark; the dark side of the bright – Nassir Ghaemi
…redefines what’s ‘normal’… explains how mildly manic moods help people to think quickly… while mild depression supports a very realistic world view.
Narcissism – a necessary but precarious requirement for leading at the top – Jay Conger
.. behaviors we love to hate may be essential to success … narcissism is needed to emerge as a leader and has powered some of the most successful entrepreneurs.
Interview with Charles O’Reilly
…fascinating insights on why leaders behave badly and the consequences (and some benefits) of their behaviors…
Deception Deciphered – Nigel Guenole
… how to identify and analyze the dark side of personality especially in hiring. … great guidance for interpreting reports eg. angrier individuals may be more honest.
Leaders can be Lethal – Michael Maccoby
.. historical examples of how our quest for, and trust in, leaders is often to our detriment… asks whether today’s workers will put up with leaders who offer protection at such cost.
Book Excerpt: LEADERSHIP BS by Jeffrey Pfeffer
…how immodesty, self-promotion and unwarranted self-confidence are not only rife but thriving despite billions spent trying to develop leaders with other traits.
Crazy. Stupid. Mean: The Reason Leaders Behave Badly Matters – Peter Harms
… why we should consider the origin of a leader’s poor behaviors: those stemming from unpredictable actions (Crazy), insufficient mental function (Stupid) or hostility (Mean).
Start with the Science – The Dark Side Issue – JP Elliott
… how narcissistic leaders extract more salary for themselves vs. less narcissistic ones and how more ethical cultures effectively screen out narcissists.
Reflections on the Dark Side – Robert Hogan
…details the good news and bad news about the dark side, and tells us under what conditions people can change their personality and “lighten up” the dark.
Dealing with the Dark Side – Rob Kaiser
We can’t avoid dark side personalities, so Kaiser provides practical strategies to deal with them: how to identify and correct when you’re likely to show those derailing behaviors.
- Buy the full Published Version (or individual articles) here: The Dark Side Issue
In addition, Talent Quarterly is offering three webinars by nine of its ‘Dark Side Issue’ authors. The second of these will be held on Monday 29 February from 5-6pm GMT. The series will eventually be available on line from Talent Quarterly.
Register for the second webinar here: Dark Side Webinar No. 2: Redefining ‘bad’ behaviour: Jay Conger and Nassir Ghaemi.
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