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The type of narcissist that can make a good leader. (2017)

“Instead of avoiding narcissists, organizations may be better served in selecting the right type of narcissist.”

Randall S. Peterson, professor of organizational behavior, London Business School & S. Wiley Wakeman, doctoral candidate, London Business School
HBR March 2017

“Narcissist leaders represent a conundrum for organizations. On the one hand, they can be huge assets, maintaining impressive drive and vision and enacting sweeping change through the power of their charisma…..

“On the other, they can be volatile leaders, exploding at any suggestion that their rosy view of their own competence is inaccurate. Narcissistic leaders tend to become engulfed in a quagmire of difficulties, including intractable conflict, high staff turnover … as well as controversy and confusion coming from their unwillingness to explain themselves. In short, narcissists can be valuable when change is necessary and systemic, but more trouble than they’re worth at almost any other time.

“And yet we suggest it may be possible to contain and control the downsides of narcissism.”

The authors then draw a distinction between ‘Communal narcissists’ and ‘Agentic narcissists’. Communal narcissists “can be channeled toward productive ends because their self-image is tied to helping others”. However Agentic narcissists “think their abilities are far grander than others’ and are focused on achieving things in the world for themselves.

“… we found that agentic, though not communal, narcissism had strongly negative consequences in teams… however teams that had higher levels of communal narcissism escaped such fates and outperformed groups high in agentic narcissism.

“Instead of avoiding narcissists, organizations may be better served in selecting the right type of narcissist. Our research suggests that finding communal narcissists could bring the best of both worlds, delivering not only drive, charisma, and vision but also contributions to the greater good.”

Access the full article here: The type of narcissist that can make a good leader.

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