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Toxic leadership: An understanding on how a business environment is ‘contaminated’ by leaders. (2013)

“The authors expose how the business environment is contaminated by leaders presenting toxic behaviours. Once toxic behaviours occur in the company, the entire system becomes alienated and its welfare is undermined.

Bourdoux Doriane and Delabelle Manon, Master’s Thesis
Linnaeus University School of Business and Economics

Tutor: Dr. Philippe Daudi
Examiner: Dr. Björn Bjerke

TV programmes, newspaper articles and books paint a generally favourable image of leadership in the public perception, but the reality can be quite different.

The authors, Masters students at Linnaeus University in Sweden, expose how the business environment is contaminated by leaders presenting toxic behaviours. Once toxic behaviours occur in the company, the entire system becomes alienated and its welfare is undermined. The best way to erase toxins in such situations is to first be aware of their root causes.

While this is a Masters thesis and translated somewhat idiosyncratically from the authors’ native tongue, it is nonetheless a fascinating new study. 

Access the pdf here: thesis on toxic leadership


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