Trump and the risks of narcissistic leadership. (2016)

“Because of these character issues, whatever our political views, we should have deep concerns about a Trump presidency.
Professor Mark Stein, Chair in Leadership and Management, School of Business, University of Leicester.
Think Leicester. 28 November 2016
“Trump has all the characteristics of a narcissistic leader, and all the warning signs are present: we have good reason to be concerned. One key feature of the narcissistic leader is hubris, an exaggerated sense of one’s own value and worth. Trump emblazons buildings, aeroplanes and golf courses with his own name; regularly speaks about how he has ‘good genes’; and talks of how uniquely talented and clever he is.
“Other key characteristics are the narcissists’ over-inflated view of their own power and knowledge, something Trump is often prone to remind us of….
“Worryingly, while they may manage adequately when times are good, narcissistic leaders tend to deteriorate rapidly when there is a downturn. Indeed, the central argument of my paper is that narcissistic leaders may be ‘incubating’ problems that only become manifest at a later stage because such leaders become persecuted, and often highly vengeful, when the going gets tough.
“…… Because of these character issues, whatever our political views, we should have deep concerns about a Trump presidency.”
Access the full article here: Trump and the risks of narcissistic leadership
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