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Equitable Life CEO proposes MOT tests for bad bosses to spot hubris before it derails companies. (2012)

“No one would deny that chief executives have egos. In many, it is restrained and agreeable. In others, I see hubris. Self doubt, self criticism and open-mindedness don’t much feature.


Opinion: Chris Wiscarson, chief executive of Equitable Life.
MailOnline, 23 September 2012

No one would deny that chief executives have egos. In many, it is restrained and agreeable. In others, I see hubris. Self doubt, self criticism and open-mindedness don’t much feature.

Are chief executives like this from childhood, or do they develop extraordinary levels of self belief when they get a few successes under their belt?

The Daedalus Trust, founded by Lord David Owen, aims to answer exactly that sort of question.

Read more: MOT tests for CEOs


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