Women in the C-Suite: Four breakthrough strategies. (2017)

“Helping women leaders succeed doesn’t necessarily mean massive programs or numerical quotas. Sometimes, simple solutions work even better.”
Brian Kropp, Ph.D
From Talent Quarterly’s special ‘Female Talent’ issue.
Talent Quarterly’s preview:
“While most companies are talking about gender equality in leadership, these four are walking the talk. Their secrets may open doors for your female talent too.
“Learn the practical approaches taken by Strategy&, Cochlear, Telstra and a secret fourth company to address specific, solvable issues that were holding women back. You’ll learn that helping women leaders succeed doesn’t necessarily mean massive programs or numerical quotas. Sometimes, simple solutions work even better.”
Access the eArticle here: Women in the C-Suite
This eArticle could make interesting reading for anyone interested in issues of power, gender and hubris – especially if you’re considering attending our conference addressing these issues on 9 May. If you haven’t already, check out the programme and top-flight speakers here: Power, Gender and Hubris
‘The four biggest myths about female leaders’ is available as a stand-alone eArticle and also as part of Talent Quarterly’s special issue on Female Talent.
TQ publishers note that when they published their first Female Talent issue more than two years ago, 23 women led Fortune 500 companies. “Since then, despite bold promises from corporate leaders, that number hasn’t budged. What’s gone wrong? Who (if anyone) is to blame? How will we make progress?
“….our authors dig into the data, find the core issues and offer plenty of surprising and practical solutions, presenting compelling perspectives on what’s wrong with our systems and leaders (and advising) women how to wrestle back the power they deserve…”
Other articles in the special TQ issue are:
- Why we need more female CEOs – Joe Folkman, Joyce Palevitz, Jack Zenger
- The biggest myths about female leaders – Derek Lusk, Jackie Van Broekhoven
- A nice woman’s guide to taking power – Jeffrey Pfeffer
- TQ’s Most Talented Women 2016 – The Editors of Talent Quarterly
- Why women aren’t on top: two perspectives – Robert Kaiser, Wanda Wallace, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
Access the full set of articles here: The Talent Quarterly: the Female Talent issue
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