How having power is like having brain damage: a new book explains why systems fail (2018)
'Meltdown. Why our systems fail and what we can do about it', Clearfield, C., & Tilcsik, A. Atlantic Books, 2018. Excerpt via The Star, 1 April 2018. A new book,...
Written by: Chris Clearfield & Andras Tilcsik
Read moreThe Virility Paradox: The vast influence of testosterone on our bodies, minds, and the world we live in (2018)
High levels of testosterone "will deplete compassion and generosity, and even reduce the affection we show our children." Ryan, Charles J. The Virility Paradox: The Vast Influence of Testosterone on...
Written by: Charles J Ryan
Read moreEmotional Aspects of Leadership in the Modern Workplace (2017)
"When executives have high hubris, it can have a negative impact on the strategic decision making process, the actual strategic choices that are made, and ultimately organizational performance..." Giannouli, V....
Written by: Vaitsa Giannouli
Read moreThe Leadership Hubris Epidemic: Biological roots and strategies for prevention. (2017)
"(Portrays) Hubris as a virulent, communicable disease of dysfunctional leadership ... takes a biological perspective to understand the possible underlying mechanisms .... has huge interdisciplinary appeal..." Edited by Peter Garrard, Professor...
Written by: Garrard, Peter.
Read moreThe folly of fools: the logic of deceit and self-deception in human life. (2013)
“…an ambitious investigation into the evolutionary logic of lying and the costs of leaving it unchecked.” Robert Trivers, Professor, Rutgers University. Basic Books, 2013 From the Amazon site: “Whether it's...
Written by: Trivers, R.
Read moreInspiring leadership: Becoming a dynamic and engaging leader. (2017)
"...offers invaluable insights on how best to 'practise' leadership, using the techniques and leadership perspectives that are most commonly used in business school interventions around the world.." Edited by Dr...
Written by: Fleming, K. & Delves, R.
Read moreRethinking reputational risk: How to manage the risks that can ruin your business, your reputation and you. (2017)
“Cultural problems lead to corporate crises.” Anthony Fitzsimmons, Chairman of Reputability LLP and an authority on reputational risk Derek Atkins, visiting Professor, Cass Business School, London Pub. KoganPage From...
Written by: Fitzsimmons, Anthony & Atkins, Derek.
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There’s a new algorithm that will alert Wall Streeters when they start freaking out. (2016)
“…traders who expressed too little or too much emotion made relatively poor trades. Rachel Butt (reporting the work of professor Brian Uzzi, Kellogg School of Management and colleagues Bin Liu of Google, and Ramesh Govindan,...
Written by: Uzzi, Brian; Liu, Bin & Govindam, Ramesh.
Read moreLessons in leadership. (2016)
“…great leaders need to understand that the questions they ask or don’t ask greatly impact on the conversations they have with others around them… Steve Adubato, PhD. Writer, former visiting...
Written by: Adubato, S.
Read moreLeadership: All you need to know, 2nd edition. (2016)
"...a practical guide on how to increase the effectiveness of leadership in any organization.” David Pendleton, Associate Fellow Saïd Business School and of Green Templeton College, Oxford; & Adrian Furnham,...
Written by: Pendleton, D. & Furnham, A.
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