How They Blew It: the CEOs and Entrepreneurs Behind Some of the World’s Most Catastrophic Business Failures. (2010)
"These people did something remarkable - they built huge business empires worth billions. Then they all did something unbelievable - they managed to lose it. They had it, now they don't. ...
Written by: Oliver, Jamie and Goodwin, Tony:
Read moreDestructive leaders and dysfunctional organizations: a therapeutic approach. (2009)
“…explores the damaging effects of destructive leadership on organizations and provides the tools necessary for early recognition, assessment, and treatment. Alan Goldman, Professor of Management, Arizona State University. Published...
Written by: Goldman, Alan.
Read moreSplendors and miseries of the brain. (2009)
"People in powerful positions who reject the idea that exercising their power changes their brain’s neurobiology would do well to reflect on Zeki’s work illustrating the vulnerability of brain chemistry to...
Written by: Zeki, Semir.
Read moreHow the mighty fall: and why some companies never give in. (2009)
“Hubris born of success is the first of five stages of corporate decline.” Jim Collins, author, leadership & management practitioner, former Stanford University academic. Published by Collins Business Essentials. “If...
Written by: Collins, Jim.
Read moreUnsecured Ladders: meeting the challenge of the unexpected. (2009)
"We spend years climbing career ladders only to risk being brought down by unexpected events that were 'not in the plan'. Is this also inevitable? Graham Robinson, Visiting Research Fellow,...
Written by: Robinson, Graham and Harris, John.
Read moreIn Sickness and in Power: Illness in Heads of Government During the Last 100 Years. (2008)
"A unique study of illness in heads of government between 1901 and 2007, and how it affects the process of government and decision-making, leading to acts of folly, in the sense of...
Written by: Owen, Lord David.
Read moreHubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War. (2007)
"How President Bush took the nation to war using faulty and fraudulent intelligence. An account of conspiracy, backstabbing, bureaucratic ineptitude, journalistic malfeasance, and, especially, arrogance. Michael Isikoff, investigative journalist, formerly...
Written by: Isikoff, Michael and Corn, David
Read moreSnakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. (2007)
"Egocentricity, callousness [have] suddenly [become] acceptable trade-offs in order to get the talents and skills needed to survive in an accelerated dispassionate world Robert Hare, researcher in the field of...
Written by: Hare, Robert and Babiak, Paul.
Read moreOne from many: Visa and the rise of the Chaordic Organization. (2005)
"Hubris is by no means confined to organisations and to individuals in positions of power, and that it may also be observed within scientific and other academic disciplines. Dee...
Written by: Hock, Dee
Read moreImperial Hubris: why the West is losing the war on terror. (2005)
"We are losing the war on terror. Until U.S. leaders recognize the errant path they have irresponsibly chosen, our enemies will only grow stronger. Originally published anonymously, later revealed to...
Written by: Scheuer, Michael
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