
International leadership and business conference – How purpose and compassion unlock positive impact. 9 May 2018
The Compassionate Mind Foundation are organising a one-day conference named 'International Leadership and Business Conference: How Purpose and Compassion Unlock Positive Impact', held at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms in London,...
Written by: The Compassionate Mind Foundation
Read moreThe folly of fools: the logic of deceit and self-deception in human life. (2013)
“…an ambitious investigation into the evolutionary logic of lying and the costs of leaving it unchecked.” Robert Trivers, Professor, Rutgers University. Basic Books, 2013 From the Amazon site: “Whether it's...
Written by: Trivers, R.
Read morePower, Gender, Hubris conference video 5/5, Professor Trevor Robbins. Neurobiology of decision making, gender and the exercise of power. (2017)
Professor Trevor Robbins discusses the hubris syndrome and its critical involvement in deficient decision-making. Professor Robbins also makes observations on how damage to the frontal lobe, gender and chronic stress have effects on...
Written by: Robbins, Trevor.
ViewPower, Gender, Hubris conference video 4/5, Dr Farrah Jarral. Hubris, power and gender: An anthropological perspective. (2017)
Dr Farrah Jarral, broadcaster and Paddington Green Health Centre GP discusses the history of anthropology and how it shaped our contemporary understanding of the world, for good and ill. Dr...
Written by: Jarral, F.
ViewPower, Gender, Hubris conference video 3/5: Professor Douglas Cairns. Hubris in classical myth and morality. (2017)
Professor Douglas Cairns, University of Edinburgh, discusses the classical definition of Hubris. He describes how it was defined by the great classical thinkers, in relation to temperament and law, and...
Written by: Cairns, D.
ViewPower, Gender, Hubris conference video 2/5: Sir Anthony Seldon. Leadership and power: The role of history. (2017)
Sir Anthony Seldon, University of Buckingham Vice-Chancellor, addresses five topics: Hubris as it has affected recent UK Prime Ministers, from Margaret Thatcher to David Cameron (“four out of the five...
Written by: Seldon, A.
ViewPower, Gender, Hubris conference video 1/5: Lord Robert Skidelsky, Introduction on the concepts of power. (2017)
“We often talk about the effects of power without bothering to define it. … The topic is often restricted to the psychological effects of power on people, how they succumb...
Written by: Skidelsky, Robert.
Read morePower, Gender, Hubris conference “memorable”, “outstanding” and “a feast”. (2017)
"Amongst the most memorable of the many occasions I have attended RSM.” That’s just one of the enthusiastic comments we’ve received about the ‘Power, Gender and Hubris’ conference we co-organised...
Written by: Daedalus admin
Read moreConference 16 June: Narcissism & destructive leadership. (2017)
Our colleagues at ESRC (the Economic & Social Research Council) have alerted us to what promises to be a fascinating event in London on 16 June examining “the status and utility...
Written by: Daedalus admin
Read moreEarly-bird rates now available for Power, Gender and Hubris conference.
Registration is now open for Power, Gender and Hubris conference, with early bird rates available until 11 April. Book now at Conference 2017. Power, Gender and Hubris will be held on...
Written by: Daedalus admin
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