
(Are we) Wrong to speculate on Trump’s mental health ? (2018)
In light of the recent publication 'Fire and Fury' by Michael Wolff, CNN's Michael Smerconish states that we are wrong to speculate on US President Donald Trump's state of mental...
Written by: CNN
ViewCarillion. What a mess.
Board hubris ran high while hedge funds scented blood, shorting the stock. Bailey, D. Professor of Industrial Strategy, Aston Business School Birmingham Post, 18 January 2018 Image: Wikimedia Commons "Carillion's demise...
Written by: Professor David Bailey
Read moreThe most important four words a leader can say (2017)
"Vulnerability loops are most powerful in moments of stress..."people either dig in and become defensive, and start justifying, and a lot of tension gets created."" Coyle, D. Daniel Coyle, author...
Written by: The most important four words a leader can say
Read moreBig Egos Can Be Green: A Study of CEO Hubris and Environmental Innovation (2017)
"CEOs’ hubris may provide the required force for overcoming obstacles to the development and introduction of green innovations." Arena, C., Michelon, G. and Trojanowski, G. (2017), Big Egos Can Be...
Written by: Claudia Arena, Giovanna Michelon and Grzegorz Trojanowski
Read moreWhen Founders Go Too Far (2017)
"Given the extraordinary power imbalance that’s now the norm in Silicon Valley boardrooms, it should be no surprise that many founder-CEOs are behaving badly. In fact, the real surprise may...
Written by: Steve Blank
Read morePower and Autistic Traits (2016)
"Problem solving is important in leadership, and people with many autistic traits appear often to be better thinkers than typical subjects with similar IQs." Overskeid, G. Department of Psychology, University of...
Written by: Geir Overskeid
Read moreAre you a toxic boss? If your team won’t tell you, neuroscience will (2017)
"Absolute power does, in fact, corrupt absolutely." Hogshead, S. Founder & CEO 'How to Fascinate' Inc., November 17, 2017 Image: Pexels "Confidence can be perceived as aggression by employees. Confident...
Written by: Sally Hogshead
Read moreWhy some men feel the need to win at all costs (2017)
"...If men fight harder than women at the negotiation table, they perhaps also fight dirtier, more often employing unethical tactics such as outright deception." Thau, S. INSEAD Professor of Organisational...
Written by: Stefan Thau
Read moreEmotional Aspects of Leadership in the Modern Workplace (2017)
"When executives have high hubris, it can have a negative impact on the strategic decision making process, the actual strategic choices that are made, and ultimately organizational performance..." Giannouli, V....
Written by: Vaitsa Giannouli
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Psychology suggests that power doesn’t make people bad—it just reveals their true natures (2016)
"The more power people get, the more freedom they feel they have to be their authentic selves, acting consistently with their goals and values. In other words, power isn’t inherently...
Written by: Michael W. Kraus
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