
Social hierarchy: the self-reinforcing nature of power and status. (2008)
"In this review, we revisit some basic psychological and sociological elements of hierarchy and argue that status and power are two important yet distinct bases of hierarchical differentiation. Magee,...
Written by: Magee and Galinsky.
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Power reduces the press of the situation: implications for creativity, conformity and dissonance. (2008)
"..explores whether power psychologically protects people from influence. ...experiments demonstrate that the powerful (a) generate creative ideas that are less influenced by salient examples, (b) express attitudes that conform less.... Galinsky, A.D.,...
Written by: Galinsky, Magee, Gruenfeld et al.
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The trouble with overconfidence. (2008)
"On difficult tasks, people overestimate their performance but also mistakenly believe that they are worse than others. On easy tasks, people underestimate their actual performances but mistakenly believe they are...
Written by: Moore and Healy.
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Who makes acquisitions? CEO overconfidence and the market’s reaction. (2008)
"Overconfident CEOs over-estimate their ability to generate returns. As a result, they overpay for target companies and undertake value-destroying mergers. The effects are strongest if they have access to internal...
Written by: Malmendier and Tate.
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Overconfidence, CEO selection, and corporate governance. (2008)
" overconfident manager, who sometimes makes value-destroying investments, has a higher likelihood than a rational manager of being deliberately promoted to CEO under value-maximizing corporate governance. Goel, A.M., DePaul University, Thakor, A.V.,...
Written by: Goel and Thakor.
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Are overconfident CEOs born or made? Evidence of self-attribution bias from frequent acquirers. (2008)
"Many CEOs overestimate their own negotiating skills and overlook the element of luck in successful mergers, acquisitions, and other deals. CEOs appear to overly attribute their role in successful deals, leading...
Written by: Billet and Qian.
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Endogenous steroids and financial risk taking on a London trading floor. (2008)
"..a trader’s morning testosterone level predicts his day’s profitability. We also found that a trader’s cortisol rises with both the variance of his trading results and the volatility of the...
Written by: Coates and Herbert.
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Power, propensity to negotiate, and moving first in competitive interactions. (2007)
"...high-power individuals displayed a greater propensity to initiate a negotiation than did low-power individuals... power increased the likelihood of making the first move in a variety of competitive interactions. ...
Written by: Magee, Galinsky and Gruenfeld.
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Managerial overconfidence and corporate policies. (2007)
"...companies with overconfident CFOs use lower discount rates to value cash flows, and that they invest more, use more debt, are less likely to pay dividends, are more likely to...
Written by: Ben-David, Graham and Harvey.
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Emerging insights into the nature and function of pride. (2007)
"People feeling authentic pride are more likely to score high on extraversion, agreeableness, genuine self-esteem and conscientiousness. However, those feeling hubristic pride are more narcissistic and prone to shame. ...
Written by: Tracy and Robins.
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