Opportunity creation: Entrepreneurial agency, interaction, and affect (2017)
…how do we understand “key entrepreneurial issues, such as creativity, frustration, hubris”?
Goss, D., & Sadler‐Smith, E.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Online ISSN: 1932-443X
Image: Flickr / INMA/Jarle Naustvik
A recent “article addresses opportunity creation, with particular focus on the interplay between social context and individual agency.”
“Using ideas grounded in contemporary micro-sociology, [the researchers] offer a conceptual framework that articulates opportunity-creating agency as the outcome of socially situated subjectivity, supportive or challenging interactions, and the circulation of emotional energy. This dynamic process is illustrated with references to entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin).”
The “article contributes to opportunity creation research by: offering a conception of individual opportunity-creating propensities rooted in social situations and consistent with constructionist assumptions; specifying the role played by affect/emotion in opportunity creation and positing a novel creative role for negative affect; and connecting opportunity creation with other areas of theoretical interest in entrepreneurship, such as creativity, frustration, and hubris.”
Read the paper here (behind a paywall): Opportunity creation: Entrepreneurial agency, interaction, and affect
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