Posts tagged with: Narcissism
Why great success can bring out the worst parts of our personalities (2018)
"The more power and influence you have, the less interested you will be in pleasing other people and in keeping your dark side in check." Lovric D., Principal at Incandescent, and...
Tapping into the power of humble narcissism
"...if you work with a narcissist, don’t try to lower their confidence. Just temper it with humility." Adam Grant, Organisational psychology, Wharton University. Ideas.Ted.Com, 14 March 2018 Image: Ben Stanfield,...
Hubris and Sciences
"The speed of communications in contemporary times, combined with the widespread application of social media and easy access to large groups of people, might predispose to both collective and individual...
Self-esteem, tenure, and narcissistic leader’s performance (2016)
"...Narcissists often make a very good first impression, but a narcissistic leader can prove costly for an organisation, [as] such leaders often become unpopular after a short period of time...
The differential effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate social responsibility (2018)
"...findings from a large sample of U.S. publicly listed firms suggest that narcissistic CEOs care more about corporate social responsibility, but hubristic CEOs care less." Tang, Y., Mack, D. Z.,...
“See You in Court”: How CEO narcissism increases firms’ vulnerability to lawsuits (2017)
"...In spite of the claim that there is both a “bright side” and a “dark side” to narcissistic leadership, overall, there is little evidence that firms with narcissistic CEOs perform...
CEO humility, narcissism and firm innovation: A paradox perspective on CEO traits. (2017)
"CEOs that are both humble and narcissistic are ... more likely to have socialized charisma, to cultivate an innovative culture, and to deliver innovative performance…" Hongyu Zhang, Central University of...
A psychological analysis of Donald Trump’s speech patterns shows how he triumphed over GOP rivals.
“(Trump used) substantially more grandiosity and substantially less formality, ranked highest for using first person pronouns, had greater vocal dynamics…” Eric W. Dolan PsyPost 17 Aug 2017 Photo: ABC/ Ida...
The ideas that make us – narcissism: BBC Radio 4. (2016)
“When you are a narcissist, you are fabulous at other peoples’ expense… The ideas that make us - BBC Radio 4 documentary, series 4, episode 3. Presenter Bettany Hughes, Producer...
The psychological structure of humility. (2016)
“..humility is uniformly operationalized as a positive, socially desirable construct… (however) we found humility takes two distinct forms, ‘appreciative’ and ‘self-abasing’…” Aaron C. Weidman, University of British Columbia; Joey T Cheng, University...