Posts tagged with: workplace power
How having power is like having brain damage: a new book explains why systems fail (2018)
'Meltdown. Why our systems fail and what we can do about it', Clearfield, C., & Tilcsik, A. Atlantic Books, 2018. Excerpt via The Star, 1 April 2018. A new book,...
Why toxic people get ahead (2018)
Templer, K. J. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 124, 1 April 2018 New research indicates that some character traits found in some leaders can be 'dark', yet rewarded. The paper,...
The essential tension between leadership and power (2013)
"...Leaders may come to feel imperilled by members of their group who could be perceived as a threat to the leader’s power." Jon K. Maner, professor of psychology and director...
Memo to the CEO: are you the source of workplace dysfunction? (2017)
"The risks of turning insensitive and unkind to others increase as you become more senior." Sutton, R. Professor of Management science at Stanford Engineering School McKinsey Quarterly, September 2017. Artwork: Pixabay...
Are you a toxic boss? If your team won’t tell you, neuroscience will (2017)
"Absolute power does, in fact, corrupt absolutely." Hogshead, S. Founder & CEO 'How to Fascinate' Inc., November 17, 2017 Image: Pexels "Confidence can be perceived as aggression by employees. Confident...