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Critics blame Erdogan ‘hubris’ for currency weakness. (2015)

“As (Erdogan’s) power has increased so has his hubris and there are now very few people around him who dare to speak the truth about what is happening in the economy
Daniel Dombay, > markets, 9March 2015

“Many analysts and experts say that the Turkish lira’s recent plunge — which has seen it lose more than 10 per cent against the dollar this year so far — is largely the doing of Mr Erdogan himself. …..

“As the Turkish leader moves to centralise power in the presidency and breaks with orthodox thinking on a variety of areas, the impact of his actions ranges far beyond domestic politics to the economy.

“As his power has increased so has his hubris and there are now very few people around him who dare to speak the truth about what is happening in the economy and to argue that his economic theory is nonsense,” says Dani Rodrik, an economist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and Erdogan critic.

Access the full article here: Critics blame Erdogan’s hubris


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