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Destructive leaders and dysfunctional organizations: a therapeutic approach. (2009)

“…explores the damaging effects of destructive leadership on organizations and provides the tools necessary for early recognition, assessment, and treatment.


Alan Goldman, Professor of Management, Arizona State University.
Published by Cambridge University Press.

Organizational behavior and leadership research has traditionally been deeply influenced by positive psychology and appreciative inquiry. Yet, in recent times, a wave of corporate scandals and spectacular organizational failures has forced management and organizational theorists to rethink this approach. Unethical CEO behavior, white collar crime, property deviance, employee grievances and lawsuits, organizational terrorism, and workplace violence have all provided the impetus for an examination of the darker side of leadership.

Drawing on his extensive experience as a management consultant and executive coach Goldman provides a fascinating behind-closed-doors account of troubled leaders, illuminating the links between toxic leadership and dysfunctional organizations. Featuring clinical case studies, ranging from the fashion industry to an aeronautical engineering corporation, the book explores the damaging effects of destructive leadership on organizations and provides the tools necessary for early recognition, assessment, and treatment.

Access the book here: Destructive leaders and dysfunctional organizations



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