England coach Allardyce forced out in disgrace after 1 game. (2016)
“It’s a painful decision, but it’s the right decision if we are to protect the integrity of The FA.”
Associated Press
Mail Online, 28 September 2016
Image: AP Photo/Scott Heppell, file
Having taken 25 years to reach the pinnacle of English soccer management, Allardyce was toppled after only 67 days by his hubris and indiscretions involving undercover journalists posing as businessmen.
The English Football Association decided Tuesday, within 24 hours of a Daily Telegraph sting being published, that the 61-year-old Allardyce lacked the integrity to hold one of the most prestigious jobs in the game.
“It’s a painful decision,” FA chief executive Martin Glenn said, “but it’s the right decision if we are to protect the integrity of The FA.”
….Even before taking charge of his first game, Allardyce was inadvertently preparing the ground for his downfall with his loose talk in a London hotel in August to the investigative reporters.
Read the full article here: England coach Allardyce forced out in disgrace
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