One from many: Visa and the rise of the Chaordic Organization. (2005)

“Hubris is by no means confined to organisations and to individuals in positions of power, and that it may also be observed within scientific and other academic disciplines.
Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of the Visa credit card association.
The worldwide success of VISA International, Dee Hock asserts, is due to its chaordic structure: it is owned by 22,000 member banks, which both compete with each other for 750 million customers and must cooperate by honoring one another’s $125 trillion in transactions annually across borders and currencies. “One From Many” takes the never-before-told story of how that structure came into being, and updates it for today.
The idea of institutional hubris was also described and developed in the book. Hock suggests that hubris is by no means confined to organisations and to individuals in positions of power, and that it may also be observed within scientific and other academic disciplines.
Publisher’s link: One from many
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