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Sepp Blatter finally lets go of Fifa as FBI noose tightens. (2015)

“Blatter has long been addicted to the power and prestige afforded him by his job… At times he appeared divorced from the reality of his organisation”

Owen Gibson, chief sports correspondent
the guardian, 2 June 2015
Photograph: Steffen Schmidt/AP

After 17 years as virtual head of state, addicted to the power from ruling football’s top body, Sepp Blatter accepted the inevitable and resigned.

Blatter has long been addicted to the power and prestige afforded him by his job and terrified of life beyond it.

Existing in a bubble of private jets, five-star hotels and the endless, meaningless babble of Fifa – handshakes for peace, Nobel Foundation initiatives, Football for Hope and all – he clung on to power at all costs through a jaw-dropping succession of scandals revealed by dogged investigative reporters.

At times he appeared divorced from the reality of his organisation as the rest of the world sees it.

Access the full article here: Sepp Blatter finally lets go of Fifa as FBI noose tightens


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