Posts tagged with: Davidson
Linguistic biomarkers of Hubris syndrome. (2013)
"The researchers ..examined.. the speeches of two UK Prime Ministers said to meet criteria for hubris syndrome (Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair) and one (John Major) who did not. ...
Power corrupts but it also plays with your mind: Lloyd George, Chamberlain and Thatcher all suffered from ‘hubris syndrome’. (2013)
Owen, Lord David: "British Prime Ministers such as David Lloyd George, Chamberlain and Thatcher and US President George W Bush met the clinical diagnosis of Hubris Syndrome, first described in...
Executive hubris: the case of a bank CEO. (2013)
"Following speculation that the banking crisis of 2008 was partly caused by CEO hubris, the researchers analysed the letters to shareholders of a single bank’s CEO over ten years. ...
A New Pharaoh and the Fiscal Cliff. (2012)
"Morsi has to realize for the sake of Egypt’s future that his own brain function is being distorted by the very measures he is introducing to impose “order” on the...
Hubris syndrome: an acquired personality disorder? A study of US Presidents and UK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years. (May 2009)
"Qualities often associated with successful leadership can also be marked by impetuosity, a refusal to listen to or take advice and a particular form of incompetence when impulsivity, recklessness and frequent...