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Why your board needs a director like Donald Trump. (2015)

“Say what you will about ‘The Donald’, but lots of boards could use a director with his courage

Adam J. Epstein, Third Creek Advisors August 2, 2015 2:00 pm
Image Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

“Corporate boards fail for all kinds of reasons. Some boards lack the appropriate skillsets or experience around the table. Some boards are expertly composed but insufficiently engaged or committed. Others appear to be independent custodians with both hands on the wheel but preexisting relationships with other board members or with management denigrate their objective oversight.

“More often than not, though, boardroom performance is affected by something more elusive – a board member’s courage to speak their mind. Courage is a big word. It’s much easier said or promised, than done. Unfortunately, an outdated emphasis on collegiality left over from the days of ceremonial, rubber-stamp boards sometimes impedes courageous directors rather than encourages them.

“Reasonable people will differ about the merits of Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy, and many will understandably express concern about the care with which he speaks. But few would disagree that Trump has the courage to speak his mind. Say what you will about “The Donald,” but lots of boards could use a director with his courage.

“Here are five examples of how a Trump-like ability to speak one’s mind can define boardroom efficacy:”

Access the article here: Why your board needs a director like Donald Trump

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