Working with vulnerability in coaching. (2016)

“For ancient Greeks the antidote to hubris was ‘sophrosyne’, which literally means healthy-mindedness…..”
Erik de Haan, Director Centre for Coaching, Ashridge Executive Education
Ashridge Insights Blog, 18 February 2016.
“At the core of many instances of malfunctioning leadership is an ancient Greek phenomenon, hubris….
“Working with leaders with this problem can be difficult for coaches. Just as when we work with executive coaching clients who truly see ‘no issues’, getting these individuals to recognise there is a problem is the first step. We run the risk of alienating them when we confront them, but if we do not do so, we cannot provide what they need most.…. The challenge is to build and retain their trust while experimenting with “breaking the shell that encloses their understanding”…
“For ancient Greeks the antidote to hubris was ‘sophrosyne’, which literally means healthy-mindedness…..”
Read the full blog here: Working with vulnerability in coaching.
Erik de Haan will be one of the speakers at the forthcoming Ashridge Centre conference “Working with Hubris in the Coaching Relationship”
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