Bad leaders: How they get that way and what to do about them. (2007)

“The primary culprits are those who appoint leaders exhibiting personality disorders… then tolerate bad leadership when it manifests. But followers cannot evade responsibility.
J. Allio, Principal of Allio Associates, Rhode Island, USA
Strategy & Leadership, 35(3), 12-17
“We appear to be suffering today from a plague of bad leadership in both the private and public sector. Whom can we blame for this epidemic?
“The primary culprits are those who appoint leaders that exhibit personality disorders, akrasia (weakness of will), flawed values, and detachment from reality – and then tolerate bad leadership when it manifests.
“But followers cannot evade some level of responsibility. Leaders and followers enjoy a symbiotic relationship. The interaction between them can either produce great success or exacerbate failure.
“By more conscientious adherence to an explicit moral code, more consistent communication and transparency, and greater attention to the needs of all the stakeholders, we can close the gap and help leaders do the right thing.”
Access the full paper here: Bad leaders
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