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How harnessing your insecurities can boost your career.

“…insecurity is an antidote to hubris….questioning your wisdom now and then is a wise thing to do.”

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Hogan CEO, Professor of Business Psychology at University College London & Columbia University.
Fastcompany 14 Sept 2016

“…confidence (is) often a decoy – a way of presenting ourselves that lets us enhance our status by persuading people we’re competent, even when we’re not.

“…In fact, scientists suggest that confidence may have evolved as a survival strategy for deceiving others.

“…Nevertheless, embracing insecurity rather than running from it may have some counterintuitive upsides to our careers

  1. Insecurity curbs too much risk taking.
  2. It increases your effort
  3. It keeps you humble. … insecurity is an antidote to hubris, also a tool for preserving our long-term likability
  4. It’s good for the group. …leaving room for self-doubt is a smart leadership strategy. Questioning your wisdom now and then is a wise thing to do.”

Read the full article here: How harnessing your insecurities can boost your career.

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