Kozlowski: the CEO who went to jail. (2016)

“Good times… had me believe my own success… I had the feeling I had done nothing wrong.”
Financial Times ft.com/video, Companies & management, 24 October 2016
Andrew Hill, FT management editor
Part of a video series about how leaders behave under pressure. Hill interviews former chief executive of Tyco, Dennis Kozlowski, about coping with the stress of running a large conglomerate, going to jail and returning to life on the outside.
Kozlowski at his peak was one of the highest-paid and most deal-driven CEOs in America. He made the cover of BusinessWeek in 2001 as ‘The most aggressive CEO’.
“People tell CEOs who are the top of their game what they want to hear,” he comments. “Good times… had me believe my own success… I had the feeling I had done nothing wrong.”
Access the video here: Kozlowski: the CEO who went to jail
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