Posts tagged with: Hubris
The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement. (2011)
"People ... make up stories to explain their own actions even when they have no clue about what is happening inside. The most powerful among us swat away doubt and choose...
The introduction of a non-traditional and aggressive approach to banking: the risks of hubris. (2011)
"The study highlights the risks of hubris, in that media praise and early successes can increase the pace of adoption of innovations which offer short-term gains but are detrimental in...
Behavioral governance and self-conscious emotions: Unveiling governance implications of authentic and hubristic pride. (2011)
"The authors elucidate the ‘bright’ connotation of pride, namely authentic pride. They argue that examining both positive and negative facets of pride is a critical complement to understanding the governance...
Research Café 1 (2011) – Prof John Stein: a neuroscientific perspective
"We know people have different traits: there are risk takers versus cautious people, self confident people versus doubting people... What we’re interested in as neuroscientists is how the brain (triggers) those...
Research Café 1 (2011) – Lord Owen: a neuroscientific basis for hubris
“I could have talked about politicians, but I’ve done that. So, as a very lapsed neuroscientist, I thought I would summarise some indicators (for) seeing whether there’s a neuroscience basis for...
Research Café 1 (2011) – Practical ways to improve decision making
Deborah Booth summarises the discussion of her break-out group at Research Café 1. “The focus of (our group) was very much on looking for practical ideas on what could we do...
Research Café 1 (2011) – Forms of social organisation affecting hubris
Geoff Marlow summarises the discussion of his break-out group at Research Café 1. "Our topic was forms of social organisation and whether they support hubris or inhibit it”, (Please note -...
Research Café 1 (2011) – Wider implications of hubristic behaviour
Dr Graham Robinson summarises the discussion of his break-out group at Research Café 1. “What are the wider societal and institutional implications of hubristic behaviour in the current social, political...
Research Café 1 (2011) – Origins of hubris
Dr Peter Garrard summarises the discussion of his break-out group at Research Café 1. "We agreed that the problem of the origin of hubris syndrome is a complex one…. It’s a...
Meltdown: The end of the age of greed. (2010)
The financial meltdown of 2008 “was the product of giant hubris and the untrammelled power of the financial elite.” Paul Mason, journalist, broadcaster, visiting professor University of Wolverhampton Publisher: Verso...