Posts tagged with: Tracy
The psychological structure of humility. (2016)
“..humility is uniformly operationalized as a positive, socially desirable construct… (however) we found humility takes two distinct forms, ‘appreciative’ and ‘self-abasing’…” Aaron C. Weidman, University of British Columbia; Joey T Cheng, University...
The psychological structure of pride: a tale of two facets. (2007)
"How can the one emotion (pride) serve such varied and, in many ways, antagonistic roles? Jessica L. Tracy, University of British Columbia; Richard W. Robins, University of California, Davis. Journal...
Pride and prejudice: how feelings about the self influence judgements of others. (2012)
"Hubristic pride can exacerbate prejudice, while a more self-confident, authentic pride may help to reduce racism and homophobia. How we feel about ourselves influences how we feel about people who...
Emerging insights into the nature and function of pride. (2007)
"People feeling authentic pride are more likely to score high on extraversion, agreeableness, genuine self-esteem and conscientiousness. However, those feeling hubristic pride are more narcissistic and prone to shame. ...