
Can James Mattis protect Trump from hubris? (2017)
“Americans need someone who will educate, encourage, and if necessary, restrain, an inexperienced president." Dominic Tierney, contributing editor, associate professor at Swarthmore College. The Atlantic, 14 January 2017. Image: Mike Segar...
Minds and machines: the art of forecasting in the age of artificial intelligence. (2016)
“…judiciously constructed predictive models can augment human intelligence by helping humans avoid common cognitive traps.” James Guszcza, US chief data scientist of Deloitte Consulting; & Nikhil Maddirala, management consultant. Deloitte...
Character traits of effective executives: A phenomenological study of CEOs in Ghana. (2016)
"Four major themes were revealed… integrity, forward looking, emotional intelligence, and caring for others….." Remy Nyukorong, Stichting Kongregatie F.I.C. The Netherlands; and William Quisenberry, Swiss Management Center University School of...

Companies headed by introverts performed better in a study of thousands of CEOs. (2016)
"...if we knew how the personality traits of CEOs produced different business results, could boards hire accordingly?" Oliver Staley Quartz 5 Aug 2016 Image: Reuters Article based on a working paper by...
The psychology and neuroscience of financial decision making. (2016)
“New data from a variety of sources (is uncovering) new facts about the cognitive processes that influence financial decision-making.” Cary Frydman, USC Marshall School of Business, Los Angeles and Colin...
Embrace the bold, temper the hubris. (2016)
"...ways to keep your bold attitude at the forefront and keep the hubris at bay. Maynard Webb, various roles including Yahoo! Board chairman, 31 Oct 2016 "If you’re leading...
Why so many leaders fail and derail. (2016)
“…derailment and disappointment among leaders are as common as success. Prof. Adrian Furnham, University College London Psychology Today 25 Aug 2016 "There are more than 70,000 books with ‘leadership’ in...
How to bring calm to chaotic and toxic workplaces. (2016)
"Mindfulness can restore balance and calm to chaotic workplaces if embraced by leaders. Ray Williams, Wired for success Psychology Today, 3 Oct 2016. "Many of today’s organizations are chaotic if not...
Hubristic leadership, a review. (2016)
“…examines hubristic leadership … first in terms of over-confidence and its relationship to core self-evaluation and narcissism; then as an acquired disorder (Hubris Syndrome) Eugene Sadler-Smith, Vita Akstinaite, Graham Robinson...

Trump win is lesson for media and academia. (2016)
"The election exposed how isolated and insulated journalists and professors are from the typical Trump voter Prof Mark Grabowski, Adelphi University, New York The Washington Examiner, 28 November 2016 AP...