What makes powerful people tick? (2017)
"People in power are more engaged, optimistic and take more risks.... (But) having power clearly comes with a risk for corruption and self-serving behaviour." Ana Guinote, University College London; Nova School of...
The four biggest myths about female leaders. (2017)
"It’s not about capabilities, glass ceilings, personal interests or any of the typical excuses you’ll hear." Derek Lusk, Ph.D. and Jackie Broekhoven Sahm From Talent Quarterly's special 'Female Talent' issue....
Sorry guys, they’re (much) better than you: Why we need more female CEOs. (2017)
"Women are rated as better leaders than men by their peers, managers and direct reports, and higher on all but two key competencies, which could be telling. Joe Folkman, Ph.D., Joyce...
Why good employees do bad things. (2017)
“…the notion that only bad people behave unethically is false. Laura W. Geller, senior editor, 30 January 2017 (Wharton publication) Interviewing Maryam Kouchaki, assistant professor, Northwestern University Kellogg School of...
Testosterone reduces functional connectivity during the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test. (2016)
"Our findings ... reveal a neural mechanism by which testosterone can impair emotion-recognition ability…" Peter A. Bos, a, b; Dennis Hofman, a; Erno J. Hermans, c, d; Estrella R. Montoya, a; Simon Baron-Cohen, e; Jack van Honk, a, b, f Psychoneuroendocrinology,...
Inspiring leadership: Becoming a dynamic and engaging leader. (2017)
"...offers invaluable insights on how best to 'practise' leadership, using the techniques and leadership perspectives that are most commonly used in business school interventions around the world.." Edited by Dr...
Rethinking reputational risk: How to manage the risks that can ruin your business, your reputation and you. (2017)
“Cultural problems lead to corporate crises.” Anthony Fitzsimmons, Chairman of Reputability LLP and an authority on reputational risk Derek Atkins, visiting Professor, Cass Business School, London Pub. KoganPage From...
Hubris and the danger of leaders with extreme self-regard. (2017)
“…it is easy to see how the potential hazards of extreme self-regard could be playing out in the US..” Eugene Sadler-Smith, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, University of Surrey The Conversation,...
Early-bird rates now available for Power, Gender and Hubris conference.
Registration is now open for Power, Gender and Hubris conference, with early bird rates available until 11 April. Book now at Conference 2017. Power, Gender and Hubris will be held on...
Hubris syndrome. (2017) “…an urgent problem for business leaders, which they show few signs of recognising.”
"Growing evidence shows that positions of power in politics and business may corrupt the ability of those in them to behave rationally. It’s time for risk managers to take heed."...