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Memo to the CEO: are you the source of workplace dysfunction? (2017)
"The risks of turning insensitive and unkind to others increase as you become more senior." Sutton, R. Professor of Management science at Stanford Engineering School McKinsey Quarterly, September 2017. Artwork: Pixabay "...A Google Scholar search on abusive supervision from 2008 to 2016 returns 5,670 scholarly articles and ...
Written by: Prof. Robert I. Sutton
Read morePower can corrupt leaders. Compassion can save them. (2018)
"...Power impairs our mirror-neurological activity — the neurological function that indicates the ability to understand and associate with others." Hougaard, R., Carter, J. and Chester, L. Harvard Business Review, 15 February 2018 Image: Pexels "...Research by neuroscientist Sukhvinder Obhi, ...has found that power impairs our mirror-neurological activity — the neurological function that indicates ...
Written by: Rasmus Hougaard, Jacqueline Carter, Louise Chester
Read moreThe Virility Paradox: The vast influence of testosterone on our bodies, minds, and the world we live in (2018)
High levels of testosterone "will deplete compassion and generosity, and even reduce the affection we show our children." Ryan, Charles J. The Virility Paradox: The Vast Influence of Testosterone on Our Bodies, Minds, and the World We Live In. BenBella Books, 2018 A new book titled: The Virility Paradox: The Vast Influence of Testosterone on Our Bodies, Minds, and ...
Written by: Charles J Ryan
Read moreHedge fund managers with psychopathic tendencies make for worse investors (2018)
“When choosing our leaders in organizations and in politics, we should keep in mind that psychopathic traits—like ruthlessness and callousness—don’t produce the successful outcomes that we might expect them to.”
ten Brinke, L., Kish, A., & Keltner, D.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(2), 214-223.
Image: Read more
A new paper concerned with the dynamics of conscious and non-conscious cognitive processes on behaviours in the workplace environment, is released.
Hodgkinson G., and Sadler-Smith E.
The Academy of Management Perspectives, November 2017
"This article contributes to the growing body of research and scholarship in management and organization studies (MOS) concerning the dynamics... Written by: Gerard Hodgkinson and Eugene Sadler-Smith "...For many men who score high on the harassment scale," the ideas of power and sex "...are often intertwined."
Wan, W. National Correspondent, US.
The Washington Post, 22 December 2017
Image: David Shankbone / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
"The torrent of cases pouring out in new... Written by: William Wan do we understand "key entrepreneurial issues, such as creativity, frustration, hubris"?
Goss, D., & Sadler‐Smith, E.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Online ISSN: 1932-443X... Written by: David Goss, Eugene Sadler Smith "...Narcissists often make a very good first impression, but a narcissistic leader can prove costly for an organisation, [as] such leaders often become unpopular after a short period of time (Paulhus, 1998)." Peltokangas, H. Vaasa University Finland
International Journal of Business and Social Research, 5 (12), 26-39.
Image: Pexels Written by: Hanna Peltokangas ...Success breeds conservatism and hubris which, over time, results in a decline of the strategy processes leading to poor strategic decisions.
Doz, Y. INSEAD Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management
Knowledge, 23 Nov 2017
Image: CSIRO / Wikimedia Commons
"The moves that led to Nokia’s decline paint a cautionary t... Written by: Yves Doz "...findings from a large sample of U.S. publicly listed firms suggest that narcissistic CEOs care more about corporate social responsibility, but hubristic CEOs care less."
Tang, Y., Mack, D. Z., & Chen, G.
Strategic Management Journal.
Image: Strategic Management Journal
"Some CEOs are more narcissistic while others may be more hubristic, but these two groups of CEOs hold different attitudes towar... Written by: Tang, Y., Mack, D. Z., & Chen, G The dynamics of intuition and analysis in managerial and organizational decision making (2017)
What makes some men sexual harassers? Science tries to explain the creeps of the world (2017)
Opportunity creation: Entrepreneurial agency, interaction, and affect (2017)
Self-esteem, tenure, and narcissistic leader’s performance (2016)
The strategic decisions that caused Nokia’s failure (2017)
The differential effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on corporate social responsibility (2018)