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Interview – Charles O’Reilly, Stanford. (2016)

“…people who are grandiose, self-confident, charming, (and) believe they can change the world… are the people you want to invest in.”

Charles O’Reilly, professor of management, Stanford University
Part of Talent Quarterly’s ‘The Dark Side Issue’, Issue 8 2016

Fascinating insights as to why leaders behave badly and the consequences (and some benefits) of their behaviors.

“Who would like a narcissist as their CEO? Well, venture capitalists, for instance. When a venture capitalist is investing in a young company, one of their big risks is management team risk. They look for people who are grandiose, who are self-confident, who are charming, who believe they can change the world. Those are the people you want to invest in.”

Buy the article here: Charles O’Reilly interview

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