Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War. (2007)
"How President Bush took the nation to war using faulty and fraudulent intelligence. An account of conspiracy, backstabbing, bureaucratic ineptitude, journalistic malfeasance, and, especially, arrogance. Michael Isikoff, investigative journalist, formerly...
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. (2007)
"Egocentricity, callousness [have] suddenly [become] acceptable trade-offs in order to get the talents and skills needed to survive in an accelerated dispassionate world Robert Hare, researcher in the field of...
Power, optimism and risk-taking. (2006)
"..investigated the hypotheses that the sense of power increases optimism in perceiving risks and leads to more risky behaviour. ...individuals with a higher generalized sense of power were more optimistic...
Power and perspectives not taken. (2006)
"Experiencing power seems to almost instantly impair an individual's ability to appreciate the perspectives of others. ..power leads individuals to anchor too heavily on their own vantage point, insufficiently adjusting...
The spiritual challenges of power, humility and love as offsets to leadership hubris. (2006)
“…narcissism is a situational neurosis that is seductive because it is born exactly out of the gifts of a charismatic leader.” A. L. Delbecq, Santa Clara University Journal of Management,...
Hubris and Nemesis in Heads of Government. (2006)
“Holy wars breed arrogance, ignite hubris and are followed all too often by nemesis..... (Bush and Blair were) Bparticularly susceptible to being swept up with the intoxication of power. Lord David Owen,...
The neuroscience of leadership. (2006)
"It is now clear that human behavior in the workplace doesn't work the way many executives think it does. That in turn helps explain why many leadership efforts and organizational...
The role of behavioral research and profiling in malicious cyber insider investigations. (2006)
How linguistic analysis has been used to identify potential cyber-terrorists Eric D. Shaw, George Washington University, Washington DC Digital Investigation, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2006, Pages 20–31 A number...
Personality and foreign policy: Tony Blair’s Iraq decisions. (2006)
"..from his responses to foreign policy questions in the House of Commons the author finds Blair has a high belief in his ability to control events, a low conceptual complexity, and...
Confessions of a trusted counsellor. (2005)
“Operating so close to power can be intoxicating. But you also face dilemmas that could derail you, your client, or your client’s company. David A. Nadler, Chairman Mercer Delta Consulting,...